Archive for the ‘Vicky’s News’ Category
‘Mistaken’ published in new online magazine
My short story ‘Mistaken’ has just been published in volume 2, issue 1 of Meniscus, a new online journal published by the Australasian Association of Writing Programs. Meniscus aims to provide a showcase for the best in contemporary international writing. Issue 1 includes writing from authors in the UK, the USA, New Zealand and Australia. Submissions are now being solicited for for Volume 2, Issue 2 until April 30th. Please send work as Word attachments to
To read the current issue – which includes my short story ‘Mistaken’ – visit this link.
Harvard Review #43
I have a piece of creative non-fiction in the new edition of Harvard Review and have thus – temporarily – become their UK distributor. This issue is a wonderful collection of essays, stories, poems and images, including work by Anne Fadiman and the 2012 T.S. Eliot-prize winner Sharon Olds. Two pieces have already been picked up by other publications. Jaquelyn Pope’s poem ‘Housebound’ appeared on Poetry Daily on March 25, and Canadian author Judith McCormack’s story ‘Creation Stories’ will be published in the 2014 edition of Best Canadian Short Stories. The editors are very open to receiving more work from writers in the UK.
It’s £9.99 to purchase a copy, including p&p. Remember to include the address for posting.
Join me at the Brixton Bookjam, Feb 4th 2013
The Brixton Book Jam is an eclectic gathering for people who are passionate about books and the written word. It’s a mix of readings, chatting and socializing. From people who love to read through to A-list authors, ghost writers, erudite editors, self-effacing self-publishers and aspiring scribes, everyone is welcome.
The next Book Jam will be on 4th February at the Hootananny, 95 Effra Road, Brixton. Doors open at 7pm and entry is completely free!
Readings confirmed so far include:
Geoff Dyer – The Colour of Memory
Martin Millar – Lonely Werewolf Girl
Daniel Simpson – Rough Guide to the Dark Side
Claire Collison – Treading Water / Refinery
Andrew Mueller – I Wouldn’t
Start From Here: the 21st Century and Where it all Went Wrong
Alex Wheatle – Brixton Rock / The Dirty South
Christopher Russel – Mockstars
Doug E. Graves – Homerton Sweet Homerton
plus new fiction from: Dave McGowan, Kate Harrad, Roz Kaveney and Sharmila Chauhan and Vicky Grut (me)!
Story published in Kolkata-based journal
I’m pleased to say that a short story of mine called ‘Waiting’ has appeared in issue 2 of a new South Asian literary journal called The Milestone. Click on this link to read the story.
Celebrating two years of London Writing Workshops
On Saturday 22 May, I celebrated the 2nd anniversary of London Writing Workshops with the participants of The Writers’ Workout. We shared a carrot cake (decorated with two candles) and everyone sang! They were very good about my poor camera handling skills. Victoria took this picture of me blowing out the candles. A lovely group – as always!
Writing People & Places in Norwich on 8 May
I’m looking forward to teaching a one-day workshop on characterisation and setting in Norwich next Saturday, May 8th.
The website says it’s full but I have an idea there may be one place left. Contact the Norwich Writers’ Centre if you’re interested.
How to publish short fiction
A nice surprise this week when a little box turned up in the post from the University of Maine at Machias, USA. It was the latest edition of work from the Ultra-Short Short Story competition run by the university’s literary magazine, The Binnacle. Each 150-word story is printed on a matchbox-sized card with the author’s bio on the back. The whole collection of cards is encased in a nice blue box – a lovely little object.
At the other end of the scale, the Story website has news of a new e-publishing venture called Ether Books which aims bring short fiction to people’s mobile phones. Two very different forms of publishing, although both ‘products’ can be held in the palm of the hand.
My work translated into Chinese!
Thanks to the British Council one of my stories has just been published in a dual language English/Chinese anthology called A Little Nest of Pedagogues. My story is a short piece called ‘Stranger’, which originally appeared in New Writing 13 (Picador, 2005); it was subsequently reprinted in a German magazine and now it’s travelling even further afield.
I’m one of ten writers, including Emily Perkins, Kamila Shamsie, Romesh Gunesekera and Fay Weldon, whose work has been translated here. The back cover describes the collection as ‘new writing from established writers and names to watch’. I’m amazed and delighted.
Asham Award Anthology available from Bloomsbury
The Asham Award anthology Waving at the Gardener (ed. Kate Pullinger) is now available to buy online from Bloomsbury. It’s a wonderfully varied collection – and I’m not just saying that because I have a story in there! (‘Visitors’, on p119).
For me some of the stand-out pieces are Esther Freud’s account of the First Palestine Literary Festival; Alison Dunn’s ‘Omi’s Ghosts’; overall winner Jo Lloyd’s ‘Because It Is Running By’; Erica Rocca’s ‘Something Small and Understood’ and Margaret Atwood’s ‘Rape Fantasies’. Well worth £6.
Narrative Magazine
I was very pleased to hear that my story ‘Rich’ was selected as one of the finalists in Narrative Magazine’s 2009 Spring Contest. It’s a website well worth visiting.