Archive for the ‘London Writing Workshop News’ Category

Celebrating two years of London Writing Workshops

On Saturday 22 May, I celebrated the 2nd anniversary of London Writing Workshops with the participants of The Writers’ Workout. We shared a carrot cake (decorated with two candles) and everyone sang! They were very good about my poor camera handling skills. Victoria took this picture of me blowing out the candles. A lovely group – as always!

Essential Writers

I’m pleased to say that this lively and informative website is currently running a news item about the 2-year anniversary of London Writing Workshops.

Essential Writers offers heaps of practical information for those who write – whether for love or money – as well as a free author blog for subscribers, but what I like best are the reviews of writers’ websites (under the menu heading Resources/Websites). From glossy, highly commercial sites like David Almond’s to the more home-made efforts of sci-fi writer Ian Watson, it’s fascinating to see the different ways that writers choose to present themselves, and reviewer Judy Darley gives a clear-headed analysis. A site well worth book-marking. Here’s the link: Essential Writers

We’re joining the UK Web Archive

The London Writing Workshops website will be archived from now on, as part of the British Library’s UK Web Archive – a heroic project designed to capture ‘the rich diversity of lives and interests throughout the UK’ for future generations. The project has been running since 2004, and has archived  thousands of websites. Categories include Arts & Humanities, Business, Economy & Industry, Government, Law & Politics, Society & Culture. Anyone can nominate new sites for inclusion – click on this link to go to the archive.

‘Writers’ Workout’ falls on 2nd anniversary!

I’m offering places for The Writers Workout at a 15 % discount to celebrate the fact this workshop falls almost exactly on the two-year anniversary of the very first London Writing Workshops event (pictured left), which took place on May 24, 2008 . Since then, there have been another 12 workshops, attended by more than 100 people in total, quite a few coming back more than once.
I’ve learned an enormous amount in these two years and I’ve met some lovely people, some of whom have subsequently had short stories published, one has been longlisted for the Bridport Prize, and another has secured a literary agent. But for me this comment – from someone who came on the short story workshop last September – really sums up what it’s all about: ‘Somehow, seeing the variety and quality of what other people – and you yourself – can come up with on the spur of the moment, restores one’s faith in the human ability to be immensely creative’. Hear, Hear, to that!
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